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Have a question? I've got an answer!  Check out the most frequently asked questions below.  If you still have questions you may email me.

  • What do I do if I'm having a psychiatric emergency?
    Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room IMMEDIATELY. If you do not urgently need care, you may review other local (Austin, TX) resources below. Psychiatric Emergency Services 1165 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX 78702 512-472-4357 Rock Springs 512-843-7404 Austin Oaks Hospital 512-440-4800 Dell Seton Medical Center 512-324-7010 Travis County Intervention Team 512-854-3430 Not sure if you're in crisis? Here are some examples of URGENT situations: Suicidal thoughts with intent, plan, and/or other risks of harm to yourself. Homicidal thoughts with intent, plan, and/or other risks of harm to others. Recent experience of traumatic event (a crime, natural disaster, sexual/physical assault). Loss of a loved one. Seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear. Feeling unsafe, a sense of impending doom/danger and/or like something or someone wants to hurt you. No access to food, clothing, and/or shelter. You're unable to take care for yourself (unable to eat, sleep, bathe yourself for days) Experiencing withdrawal symptoms from drugs and/or alcohol (call 911 for immediate medical assistance). Experiencing uncontrollable panic and unable to calm down.
  • Is Amanda accepting new patients?
    Due to high demand and current caseload, new patients are considered on a case-by-case basis and by referral only.
  • What can I expect during my first visit?
    The first session is usually 60 minutes long. I usually start by letting the client "take the floor" and speak openly about their past and present history and why they're seeking help now. This is a very laid back, no judgement zone. There is no pressure to share sensitive information with me during the first session, however it may be helpful to know for treatment purposes. I may ask more specific questions throughout the session so that I can get a better idea of your symptoms and lifestyle. We will work together to come up with a treatment plan by the end of the session. A treatment plan may include: completing lab work, signing release of information documents so that I may coordinate care with your other providers or obtain records, prescribing medication/supplement options, implementing diet/exercise/lifestyle changes, participating in therapy, agreeing to a specific frequency for follow up sessions, and agreeing to policies and procedures of Bloom.
  • What can I expect in a follow-up appointment?
    Follow up appointments are usually 15-30 minutes. During this time we discuss any changes in symptoms that may require tweaking our treatment plan. For instance, if you started a medication and have noticed side effects, we may discuss changing your dose, trying a different medication, doing additional testing, and ultimately changing the frequency of your appointments so that we can address your needs quickly. We also review any outside records during this time, for example if you've had lab work done then those findings will be addressed during the appointment. When a patient has been stable for a few months, we typically space appointments out, but only when the patient is ready to do so. Some patients like to check in with me every 2-4 weeks, but some are stable enough to check in every 3 months.
  • How much are sessions if I don't have insurance?
    The initial evaluation is $300. Follow up appointments are typically $100-175 depending on length of appointment and complexity of your case. These prices are in alignment with local pricing for psychiatric and wellness services. I can provide you with a superbill after your appointment to submit to your insurance so that they can count your payments towards your out of network benefits.
  • Does Amanda offer in person appointments?
    My office is located at 821 W. 11th Street near downtown Austin,TX. I am in the office on Thursdays by request only. The primary mode for appointments at this time is through a HIPPA compliant telehealth platform.
  • How frequently will I see Amanda?
    In general, follow up appointments happen can be as frequent as weekly or as infrequent as every three months. There are many factors that affect frequency of appointments including needed frequency for medication monitoring and severity of symptoms. For medication management I usually see patients every 2-4 weeks initially. Once the patient is stable on their medication and their symptoms have improved, the frequency may change to every 3 months.
  • If I'm seeing Amanda do I still need a therapist?
    I always recommend my patients have a dedicated therapist for more routine, in depth sessions. As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, I am not trained in therapy to the extent that an LPC, LCSW, or psychologist is. Some people view me as their life coach, mentor, advisor, personal cheerleader, case manager, and advocate. I do offer supportive therapy and enjoy teaching my patients about cognitive behavioral techniques, mindfulness, communication, anger management, assertiveness training, communication techniques, and boundary setting. I have a list of therapists I refer patients to regularly and believe is a great resource for finding a therapist.
  • What are the most common conditions Amanda helps diagnose and treat?
    Mood disorders, depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, suicidal thinking, and a multitude of health conditions primarily caused by vitamin deficiencies and other gene abnormalities (ex: MTHFR gene mutation).
  • What lab does Amanda send her patients to for blood work?
    CPL is where I order labs to most frequently. I can order labs to be completed at any Quest or LabCorp as well, but the patient must tell me which specific location they would like to go. To find a CPL you may visit
  • Does Amanda treat all ages?
    I treat adults only (18+).
  • Does Amanda see patients who live outside of Texas?
    No. At this time I am only licensed in Texas and unable to treat patients located in other states.
  • What are the hours of operation?
    Monday 10am-4pm Tuesday 10am-4pm Wednesday 10am-1pm Thursday 10am-1pm

821 W. 11th St. Austin, TX 78701

(p): 512-952-2644 (f): 512-668-7885

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